
Soft Not Weak is a worker-owned game cooperative based in Redmond, WA, founded with the goal of being the change we want to see in the industry, and putting more joy into the world.


Soft Not Weak came together when three friends and roommates, Alex, Chris and Morgan, decided to shift their efforts to creating a worker-owned game cooperative which would enact the positive change they’d longed to see in the games industry on a smaller, more manageable scale. The team then started scouting and contracting incredible individuals who have all shaped what Spirit Swap has come to be. Réjon was one such contractor who’s since joined the ranks of Soft Not Weak via the concept of a long-term contractor to worker owner path we sought to implement. Shortly after, Jenny joined the team as well via that same path. Soft Not Weak announced their first commercial title, Spirit Swap: Lofi Beats to Match-3 To in 2020, and successfully completed their first Kickstarter in May 2021, doubling the funding request of the game!



Spirit Swap: Kickstarter Launch Trailer (2020)YouTube

Team & Repeating Collaborator

Creative Director
Lead Programming
Lead UI/UX, Lead Audio, Graphic/Web Designer
Lead Production & Community Development